bicameral = bi(两) + camer(小室) + al(...的) = 两个小室的→两院制
bicentennial = bi(两) + cent(一百) + en(变成) + ial(形容词) = 两百周年的
linguist = lingu(语言) + ist(人) = 研究语言的人→语言学家
linguistic = lingu(语言) + istic(...的) = 语言的
aborigal = ab(表加强) + orig(开始) + al(...的) = 起源而来→原始的
additional = add(加上) + ition(表名词) + al(...的) = 加上的→附加的
altruism = alter(其他的) + ism(表特性) = 利他主义
antagonism = anti(反抗) + agon(挣扎) + ism(表特性) = 对抗
Over the past few decades, however, technological advances have allowed researchers to look more deeply at how bilingualism interacts with and changes the cognitive and neurological systems, thereby identifying several clear benefits of being bilingual. Research shows that when a bilingual person uses one language, the other is active at the same time.
Over the past few decades, however, technological advances have allowed researchers to look more deeply at how bilingualism interacts with and changes the cognitive and neurological systems, thereby identifying several clear benefits of being bilingual. Research shows that when a bilingual person uses one language, the other is active at the same time.
来源于:剑雅12-TEST6n. 能用两种语言
It relates to the essential problem of bilingualism.