academic = academ(学院) + ic(…的) = 学院的
acidic = acid(酸) + ic(…的) = 酸的
Just as a doctor calls on the full power of autocratic suggestion by insisting that patient take precisely this white capsule precisely three times a day before meals, Lozanov is categoric in insisting that suggestopedic session be conducted exactly in that manner designated, by trained and accredited suggestopedic teachers.
Just as a doctor calls on the full power of autocratic suggestion by insisting that patient take precisely this white capsule precisely three times a day before meals, Lozanov is categoric in insisting that suggestopedic session be conducted exactly in that manner designated, by trained and accredited suggestopedic teachers.
来源于:剑雅7-Test1adj. 绝对的,明确的
This is a categoric decision.
adj. 分类的