byproduct = by(副的) + pro(向前) + duct(引导) = 顺带向前引导→副产品
improvide = im(不) + pro(向前) + vid(看) + e(动词后缀) = 没有提前准备→即兴创作
expel = ex(出) + pel(推) = 推出去: 逐出
compel = com(强调) + pel(推) = 用力推→强迫
absorber = ab(表加强) + sorb(吸收) + er(物品) = 吸收器
containerization = con(共同) + tain(拿住) + er(物品) + ization(…化) = 共同拿住物品的过程→集装箱化
The unique shape of the structure is claimed to have been inspired by various sources, both manmade and natural, most notably a Celtic double- headed axe, but also the vast turning propeller of a ship, the ribcage of a whale or the spine of a fish.
The unique shape of the structure is claimed to have been inspired by various sources, both manmade and natural, most notably a Celtic double- headed axe, but also the vast turning propeller of a ship, the ribcage of a whale or the spine of a fish.
来源于:剑雅11-Test1n. 螺旋桨;推进器
The propeller started to spin around.