Student:Definitely. So, at one point, you see Hippolytus being sent off by his father, then a little later, a messenger arrives and describes how Hippolytus was riding in his chariot when a giant bull appeared out of the ocean, and caused the chariot to crash, and then, after we hear what happened to Hippolytus, he's carried back on stage where he dies.
Student:Definitely. So, at one point, you see Hippolytus being sent off by his father, then a little later, a messenger arrives and describes how Hippolytus was riding in his chariot when a giant bull appeared out of the ocean, and caused the chariot to crash, and then, after we hear what happened to Hippolytus, he's carried back on stage where he dies.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL44 L2n. 送信人;报信人;信使;通信员
Don't blame me. I'm only the messenger.
n. (递送公文急件的)信使,特使
He orders an instruction for the document to be sent by messenger.
n. 先兆;预兆;先驱
n. 引绳;引缆;细索【海】
n. 替人跑腿的人;替人办事的人
n. 绞车上的缆索【海】