

Wayside Camera Club

[01:15.41]BREDA:Hello, Wayside Camera Club, Breda speaking.
[01:19.13]DAN:Oh, hello, um, my name's Dan and I'd like to join your club.
[01:23.43]BREDA:That's great, Dan.
[01:25.07]We have an application form — would you like to complete it over the phone, then you can ask any questions you might have?
[01:32.34]DAN:Oh, yes, thanks.
[01:33.63]BREDA:OK, so what's your family name?
[01:37.15]DAN:It's Green — Dan Green.
[01:39.56]BREDA:So—can I take your email address?
[01:42.36]DAN:Yes, it's dan1068@market.com.
[01:49.79]BREDA:Thanks. And what about your home address?
[01:53.68]DAN:Well, I'm about ten miles away from your club in Peacetown. I live in a house there.
[02:00.58]BREDA:OK, so what's the house number and street?
[02:04.45]DAN:It's 52 Marrowfield Street.
[02:08.36]BREDA:Is that M-A double R-O-W-F-I-E-L-D?
[02:19.50]DAN:That's right.
[02:20.80]BREDA:... and that's Peacetown, you said?
[02:24.33]BREDA:So how did you hear about our club?
[02:27.12]Did you look on the internet?
[02:28.97]DAN:I usually do that, but this time, well, I was talking to a relative the other day and he suggested it.
[02:37.28]BREDA:Oh, is he a member too?
[02:39.93]DAN:He belongs to another club — but he'd heard good things about yours.
[02:44.58]BREDA:OK. So what do you hope to get from joining?
[02:49.04]DAN:Well, one thing that really interests me is the competitions that you have. I enjoy entering those.
[02:56.80]BREDA:Right. Anything else?
[02:59.07]DAN:Well, I also like to socialise with other photographers.
[03:03.00]BREDA:That's great. So what type of membership would you like?
[03:07.46]DAN:What are the options?
[03:09.18]BREDA:It's £30 a year for full membership or £20 a year if you're an associate.
[03:15.97]DAN:I think I'll go for the full membership, then.
[03:19.58]BREDA:That's a good idea because you can't vote in meetings with an associate membership.
[04:11.94]BREDA:If I could just find out a bit more about you...
[04:15.97]BREDA:So you said you wanted to compete — have you ever won any photography competitions?
[04:22.21]DAN:Not yet, but | have entered three in the past.
[04:26.78]BREDA:Oh, that's interesting. So why don't you tell me something about those? Let's start with the first one.
[04:34.18]DAN:Well, the theme was entitled ‘Domestic Life'.
[04:38.52]BREDA:I see — so it had to be something related to the home?
[04:42.90]DAN:Yeah. I chose to take a photo of a family sitting round the dinner table having a meal, and, um, I didn't win, but I did get some feedback.
[04:55.39]BREDA:Oh, what did the judges say?
[04:57.95]DAN:That it was too 'busy' as a picture.
[05:00.68]BREDA:Aha — so it was the composition of the picture that they criticised?
[05:06.23]DAN:That's right — and once they'd told me that, I could see my mistake.
[05:12.07]BREDA:So what was the theme of the second competition?
[05:15.60]DAN:Well, my university was on the coast and that area gets a lot of beautiful sunsets, so that was the theme.
[05:24.63]BREDA:Oh, sunsets, that's a great theme.
[05:28.08]DAN:Yes. The instructions were to capture the clouds as well — it couldn't just be blue sky and a setting sun.
[05:36.53]BREDA:Sure, cause they give you all those amazing pinks and purples.
[05:40.83]DAN:Yeah — and I thought I'd done that well, but the feedback was that I should have waited a bit longer to get the shot.
[05:49.33]BREDA:I see. So the timing wasn't right.
[05:52.83]DAN:Yes — I took it too soon, basically. And then the third competition I entered was called 'Animal Magic'.
[06:01.51]BREDA:Well, that's a difficult subject!
[06:04.22]DAN:I know! I had to take hundreds of shots.
[06:08.25]BREDA:I'm sure — because animals move all the time.
[06:11.70]DAN:That's what we had to show — there had to be some movement in the scene.
[06:17.09]I got a great shot of a fox in the end, but I took it at night and, well, I suspected that it was a bit dark. Which is what | was told.
[06:28.98]BREDA:Well Dan — you seem to be really keen and we'd be delighted to have you in our club.
[06:34.92]I'm sure we can help with all those areas that you've outlined.
[06:38.94]DAN:Thanks, that's great.

Question 1-4

Complete the form below.

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Wayside Camera Club

membership form

Name:                                 Dan Green

Email address:                     dan1068@market.com

Home address:                    52 1Street, Peacetown

Heard about us:                  from a 2

Reasons for joining:            to enter competitions

                                            to 3

Type of membership:          4 membership (£30)

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Question 5-10

Complete the table below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Photography competitions

Title of competition
Feedback to Dan

A scene in the home

The picture's composition was not good.

Beautiful Sunsets

Scene must show some

The was wrong.

Scene must show

The photograph was too

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