detest = de(离开) + test(测试) = 不愿作证→嫌恶
deglaciation = de(离开) + glaci(冰) + ation(表名词) = 冰的离开→冰消
defendant = de(离开) + fend(打击) + ant(表名词) = 被告
offend = of(一再) + fend(打击) = 一再打击别人→得罪
The chair of the remuneration committee can be an exposed and lonely role, as Alison Carnwath, chair of Barclays Bank’s remuneration committee, found when she had to resign, having been roundly criticised for trying to defend the enormous bonus to be paid to the chief executive; the irony being that she was widely understood to have spoken out against it in the privacy of the committee.The financial crisis stimulated a debate about the role and purpose of the company and a heightened awareness of corporate ethics.
The chair of the remuneration committee can be an exposed and lonely role, as Alison Carnwath, chair of Barclays Bank’s remuneration committee, found when she had to resign, having been roundly criticised for trying to defend the enormous bonus to be paid to the chief executive; the irony being that she was widely understood to have spoken out against it in the privacy of the committee.The financial crisis stimulated a debate about the role and purpose of the company and a heightened awareness of corporate ethics.
来源于:剑雅12-TEST8v. 保卫;防守
Every man who could fight was now committed to defend the ridge...
v. 辩护;防护
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