elongate = e(出去) + long(长) + ate(使) = 长出来→拉长
eminent = e(出去) + min(伸出) + ent(…的) = 突出来的→杰出的;有名的
collaps = col(共同) + laps(滑) = 全部滑倒→崩溃,瓦解
And...well...in A Midsummer Night's Dream, of course the action in that play takes place on a single summer's night, but in Shakespeare's other plays, in Hamlet, for example, time elapses.
And...well...in A Midsummer Night's Dream, of course the action in that play takes place on a single summer's night, but in Shakespeare's other plays, in Hamlet, for example, time elapses.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL47 L1vi. 流逝;消逝;过去
Forty-eight hours have elapsed since his arrest.
And...well...in A Midsummer Night's Dream, of course the action in that play takes place on a single summer's night, but in Shakespeare's other plays, in Hamlet, for example, time elapses.
And...well...in A Midsummer Night's Dream, of course the action in that play takes place on a single summer's night, but in Shakespeare's other plays, in Hamlet, for example, time elapses.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL47 L2n. (时间的)过去, (光阴的)流逝,消逝
When Haruki Murakami's maiden work Hear the Wind Sing was first published, its description of elapse of time immediately aroused a wide interest.