[物][生化] 色素
n. 色素;颜料
However, why this pigment is there and what it might do was unknown.
Tattoo is just a decorative pigment on skin.
来自《雷蒙·斯尼奇的不幸历险 第1季》
So, you can see why this type of analysis requires a knowledge of the history of pigments, right?
来源于:听力OFFICIAL5 L5Then we compare these signatures with those of particular elements like zinc or lead, to determine what the pigment was made of.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL5 L5And using ultraviolet light we can see the spectral signature of each component part of the pigment.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL5 L5You've got to find out what's in those pigments, learn their composition, and that requires lab work - detective work really - in a word, Spectroscopy.
You've got to find out what's in those pigments, learn their composition, and that requires lab work - detective work really - in a word, Spectroscopy.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL5 L5Since you're trying to verify if it’s a Rembrandt, the ingredients in the pigment would need to have been used during Rembrandt's lifetime - in the 17th century.
Since you're trying to verify if it’s a Rembrandt, the ingredients in the pigment would need to have been used during Rembrandt's lifetime - in the 17th century.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL5 L5You'd have to know when he created his paintings, um... what pigments he used, in other words, what ingredients he used to make different colors of paint, ‘cause the ingredients used in paints and binding agents plus burnishes, finishes, what have you, have changed over time.
You'd have to know when he created his paintings, um... what pigments he used, in other words, what ingredients he used to make different colors of paint, ‘cause the ingredients used in paints and binding agents plus burnishes, finishes, what have you, have changed over time.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL5 L5Like I said before, these pigments deteriorate rapidly so we really need to do the research before the traces are gone so that we can increase our understanding of ancient polychrome sculptures and the cultures which created them.
Like I said before, these pigments deteriorate rapidly so we really need to do the research before the traces are gone so that we can increase our understanding of ancient polychrome sculptures and the cultures which created them.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL42 L2There are many, many more sculptures that have traces of pigments left on them and we have the technology these days to be able to carry out effective studies of these pigments.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL42 L2And let's consider the extensive traces of a red pigment that were found on the statue's cloak.
And let's consider the extensive traces of a red pigment that were found on the statue's cloak.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL42 L2The use of these pigments showed the importance of Augustus and that he should be honored.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL42 L2And it turns out that the colors weren't just from any pigments.
And it turns out that the colors weren't just from any pigments.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL42 L2It's now generally accepted that most, maybe even all marble sculptures from that time period, receive some kind of surface treatment, like the application of pigments, colored stones or metals that would've modified their color.
It's now generally accepted that most, maybe even all marble sculptures from that time period, receive some kind of surface treatment, like the application of pigments, colored stones or metals that would've modified their color.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL42 L2In other cases, the pigment may have been weathered away while exposed to the elements or someone may have rigorously cleaned the statues and unknowingly removed the last traces of pigment.
In other cases, the pigment may have been weathered away while exposed to the elements or someone may have rigorously cleaned the statues and unknowingly removed the last traces of pigment.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL42 L2In many cases, the pigment would've simply deteriorated.
In many cases, the pigment would've simply deteriorated.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL42 L2For example, if you look closely at a red leaf on a tree, you'll notice that most of the red pigment is on the upper side of the leaf, the side facing the sun.
For example, if you look closely at a red leaf on a tree, you'll notice that most of the red pigment is on the upper side of the leaf, the side facing the sun.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL43 L2Well, it's probably true for pigments like yellow or orange, but it doesn't seem to hold for the red pigment.
Well, it's probably true for pigments like yellow or orange, but it doesn't seem to hold for the red pigment.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL43 L2According to the classic theory, this is true for the red pigment as well.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL43 L2As this happens, the other pigments present in the leaf become visible.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL43 L2As a result, the French government sponsored a competition in 1824 to find a cheaper way to make ultramarine pigment.
As a result, the French government sponsored a competition in 1824 to find a cheaper way to make ultramarine pigment.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL46 L5The process was time-consuming, which also contributed to the high cost of producing ultramarine, and it didn't even yield much usable pigment.
The process was time-consuming, which also contributed to the high cost of producing ultramarine, and it didn't even yield much usable pigment.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL46 L5Actually, the ancient Egyptians did manage to make an artificial blue, the first synthetic pigment in fact, if you can believe that.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL46 L5And you even have the wealthy ordering paintings with ultramarine to show others that they could afford something made from this precious pigment, much in the same way they would order gold leaf.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL46 L5So, blue, and especially ultramarine pigment, was a luxury, a status symbol, worth even more than gold at times.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL46 L5For example, use pigment from lapis lazuli or azurite very sparingly, and also use something cheaper, like smalt, which was made of ground glass.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL46 L5以上图片仅供学习交流使用,版权归原作者所有,如有侵权,请与我方联系