The emergence and spread of pastoralism had a profound impact on the history of Inner Eurasia, and also, indirectly, on the parts of Asia and Europe just outside this area.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL14 P3n. 欧亚大陆
This bridge straddles the Eurasia.
The lake is the largest spawning ground for red salmon in Eurasia and the best place for bears.
这个湖泊是欧亚大陆上最大的,红三文鱼的产卵场所。 也是野熊最爱呆的地方。
The emergence and spread of pastoralism had a profound impact on the history of Inner Eurasia, and also, indirectly, on the parts of Asia and Europe just outside this area.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL14 P3Archaeological evidence suggests that by 3000 B.C., and perhaps even earlier, there had emerged on the steppes of Inner Eurasia the distinctive types of pastoralism that were to dominate the region's history for several millennia.
Archaeological evidence suggests that by 3000 B.C., and perhaps even earlier, there had emerged on the steppes of Inner Eurasia the distinctive types of pastoralism that were to dominate the region's history for several millennia.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL14 P3The remarkable mobility and range of pastoral societies explain, in part, why so many linguists have argued that the Indo-European languages began their astonishing expansionist career not among farmers in Anatolia (present-day Turkey), but among early pastoralists from Inner Eurasia.
这种显著的移动性和畜牧社会的地理范围在某种程度上解释了很多语言学家一直争论的一个问题:为什么印欧语系并非从并安纳托利亚 (现在的土耳其)的农民中传播开来的,而是产生于早期欧洲内陆的牧民。
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