decayed = de(下面) + cay(落下) + ed(形容词) = 落下→向下掉→衰退的,腐烂的
decay = de(下面) + cay(落下) = 向下掉→衰退
script = script(写) = 写→剧本
transscription = trans(转移) + script(写) + ion(表名词) = 写到另外的地方→抄写,抄本
active = act(做) + ive(...的) = 积极的
adaptive = ad(强化) + apt(适应) + ive(...的) = 适应的
He uses poetic language, descriptive metaphors to inspire, to awe his readers, to communicate the fact that the railroad was a feat of human ingenuity.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL39 L3adj. 描写的;描述的;叙述的;说明的
The descriptive passages are well observed.
It's partly descriptive of the major component groups of society.
He uses poetic language, descriptive metaphors to inspire, to awe his readers, to communicate the fact that the railroad was a feat of human ingenuity.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL39 L5Since ethnography is all about the descriptive study of an individual culture, film has proved to have great value as a tool for anthropologists in their research.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL39 L3The frequency with which certain simple motifs appear in these oldest sites has led rock-art researchers to adopt a descriptive term—the Panaramitee style—a label which takes its name from the extensive rock pavements at Panaramitee North in desert South Australia, which are covered with motifs pecked into the surface.
一些简单图案在这些最古老的遗址上出现的频率使得岩石艺术研究人员采用了一种描述性的术语——Panaramitee风格——取名自澳大利亚南部沙漠Panaramitee North广袤的岩石丘,这些岩石丘表面都刻有这些图案。
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL23 P3By the late 1860's more than 60 chemical elements had been identified,and much was known about their descriptive chemistry.
By the late 1860's more than 60 chemical elements had been identified,and much was known about their descriptive chemistry.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL16 P2以上图片仅供学习交流使用,版权归原作者所有,如有侵权,请与我方联系