idealize = idea(思想) + lize(…化) = 想法化→理想化
ideally = idea(思想) + al(...的) + ly(表副词) = 有想法地,有理想地
aborigal = ab(表加强) + orig(开始) + al(...的) = 起源而来→原始的
additional = add(加上) + ition(表名词) + al(...的) = 加上的→附加的
Great tracts of lowland country deforested by logging, fire, or both have become ideal feeding grounds of deer.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL4 P1adj. 完美的;理想的
She may not be an ideal companion for young children.
In an ideal world, there would be no such thing as rubbish.
Their ideal society collapsed around them.
The conditions were ideal for racing.
I was the ideal person to take over the job.
I think that the ideal of marriage involves procreation.
Great tracts of lowland country deforested by logging, fire, or both have become ideal feeding grounds of deer.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL4 P1It has been suggested that these figurines were an ideal type or an expression of a desire for fertility.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL4 P2It turns out that the Netherlands was an ideal country for growing tulips.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL6 L2So I’m sure you can see how having an area that’s off limits to automobile traffic would be ideal for a heavily populated city, where, well, the streets would otherwise be bustling with noisy unpleasant traffic congestion.
So I’m sure you can see how having an area that’s off limits to automobile traffic would be ideal for a heavily populated city, where, well, the streets would otherwise be bustling with noisy unpleasant traffic congestion.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL13 L2Well, uh, lead is strong and flexible so it’s ideal for joining pieces of glass cut in different shapes and sizes.
Well, uh, lead is strong and flexible so it’s ideal for joining pieces of glass cut in different shapes and sizes.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL16 L6This new calendar was ideal, because, well, it worked well for agricultural purposes as well as for knowing when to have traditional religious festivals.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL17 L5Um... the test process went on much longer than expected and we ended up having to put the product on the market with known bugs in it, which was obviously not ideal.
呃,测试的过程比预期的要长得多,我们最终就不得不将存有 bugs 的产品投放市场,当然这并不是明智之举。
来源于:听力OFFICIAL21 L3The smooth bark of small red maples makes this species ideal for buck rubs in the forests of the mid-eastern United States.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL28 P2Although every species has a maximum rate at which the population of that species could increase, assuming ideal conditions for the species in its environment.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL32 L3Let’s say there was a species that had access to plenty of food and ideal conditions.
Let’s say there was a species that had access to plenty of food and ideal conditions.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL32 L3From the plants’ perspective, the ideal pollinator is an animal that is under-fed, ready to eat and in a hurry.
From the plants’ perspective, the ideal pollinator is an animal that is under-fed, ready to eat and in a hurry.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL34 L5Even before Alexander’s time, a life spent in the service of their city-state no longer seemed ideal to Greeks.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL43 P1The philosopher Plato (428-348 B.C.) felt that the ideal city-state should have about 5,000 citizens, because to the Greeks it was important that everyone in the community should know each other.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL43 P1Now, estuaries are an ideal place to try to capture energy from changes in tides because, well, there is an exceptionally large difference between the water level at high tide and at low tide.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL44 L6In an ideal world, the Forest Service would manage and restore the forests, thin them out, and remove the dense understory by cutting or by controlled small fires.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL39 P3The valley may have narrowed at this point to a mere three kilometers, making it the ideal place for controlling river traffic.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL51 P1In short, therefore, the site of Memphis offered the rulers of the Early Dynastic Period an ideal location for controlling internal trade within their realm, an essential requirement for a state-directed economy that depended on the movement of goods.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL51 P1The East African highlands are ideal cattle country and the home today of such famous cattle-herding peoples as the Masai.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL52 P3n. 完美的人;完美的事物
In Ancient Greece an oval face was the ideal of female beauty.
Throughout his career she remained his feminine ideal.
n. 楷模;典范
Now, the ideal of plain white sculpture goes back to 15th century Europe when Renaissance artists rediscovered ancient Greek and Roman culture.
Her features were almost the opposite of the Japanese ideal of beauty in those days.
n. 理想
He intends to pursue his ideals of justice and human rights.
She's committed to liberal ideals.
n. 设想;想象中的事物
adj. 唯心主义的【哲】
adj. 理想的【哲】
adj. 设想的;想象的
ideal solution
be ideal for