mediterranean = medi(中间) + terr(土地) + anean(…的) = 位于陆地中间的→地中海
aborigal = ab(表加强) + orig(开始) + al(...的) = 起源而来→原始的
additional = add(加上) + ition(表名词) + al(...的) = 加上的→附加的
adj. 中世纪的;原始的;仿中世纪的;老式的
The house is a textbook example of medieval domestic architecture.
Someone plays a lute and plays a song from medieval times.
These have changed constantly through time, even in relatively recent periods, as can be seen from the Neolithic stone circle of Er Lannic, in Brittany, France (once inland but now half submerged on an island) or medieval villages in east Yorkshire, England, that have tumbled into the sea in the last few centuries as the North Sea gnaws its way westward and erodes the cliffs.
即使是相对较近的年代,这些都随着时间迁移而不断地改变着,这可以从法国布列塔尼地区的Er Lannic的新石器时代的巨石阵得到证实(曾经是内陆,现在半埋在一个岛上);也可以从英国东约克郡中世纪的村庄得到证实,在过去的几个世纪里,随着北海一路向西侵入并侵蚀悬崖,这个村庄已没入大海。
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL49 P1Nothing divided the medieval world in Europe more decisively from the Early Modern period than printing with movable type.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL49 P2Even so, merchants and business people did not run medieval communities, except in central and northern Italy and in the county of Flanders.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL46 P2Because of the growth of population, most of the great forests of medieval Britain had long ago been replaced by fields of grain and hay.
Because of the growth of population, most of the great forests of medieval Britain had long ago been replaced by fields of grain and hay.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL34 P2Actually, the model for planning a town in the Northern colonies was not unlike the model for the development of towns in medieval Europe.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL31 L1After all, the colonists had just come from Europe and the medieval period was just ended.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL31 L1The clock was the greatest achievement of medieval mechanical ingenuity.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL30 P3It’s commonly said that medieval Europeans wanted spices to cover up the taste of spoiled meat.
It’s commonly said that medieval Europeans wanted spices to cover up the taste of spoiled meat.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL18 L5We also have evidence that various medieval markets employed a kind of police to make sure that people did not sell spoiled food, and if you were caught doing it, you were subject to various fines, humiliating public punishments.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL18 L5They took on a life of their own and they inspired the medieval imagination, spurred on the age of discovery in the 145th and 16th centuries.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL18 L5And except for small portions of the text that couldn’t be deciphered, this technique’s been very helpful in seeing Archimedes texts and drawings through medieval over-writing.
And except for small portions of the text that couldn’t be deciphered, this technique’s been very helpful in seeing Archimedes texts and drawings through medieval over-writing.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL15 L5OK. So the two poems we are looking at today fall into the category of medieval times, which was how long ago?
来源于:听力OFFICIAL13 L5And, yes, these poems were also sung, many troubadours were able to make a living being full-time poets, which should tell you something about the value of that profession during medieval times.
And, yes, these poems were also sung, many troubadours were able to make a living being full-time poets, which should tell you something about the value of that profession during medieval times.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL13 L5In the late sixteenth century and into the seventeenth, Europe continued the growth that had lifted it out of the relatively less prosperous medieval period (from the mid 400s to the late 1400s).
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL10 P3Bills of exchange, which had their origins in medieval Italy, were promissory notes (written promises to pay a specified amount of money by a certain date) that could be sold to third parties.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL10 P3n. 中世纪人;中古时代人