


OFFICIAL54 According to paragraph 6, why is life unlikely to be found on any planet that lacks both an atmosphere and a surface or subsurface liquid medium?

Elements of Life
    The creation of life requires a set of chemical elements for making the components of cells. Life on Earth uses about 25 of the 92 naturally occurring chemical elements, although just 4 of these elements—oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen—make up about 96 percent of the mass of living organisms. Thus, a first requirement for life might be the presence of most or all of the elements used by life.

    Interestingly, this requirement can probably be met by almost any world. Scientists have determined that all chemical elements in the universe besides hydrogen and helium (and a trace amount of lithium) were produced by stars. These are known as heavy elements because they are heavier than hydrogen and helium. Although all of these heavy elements are quite rare compared to hydrogen and helium, they are found just about everywhere.

    Heavy elements are continually being manufactured by stars and released into space by stellar deaths, so their amount compared to hydrogen and helium gradually rises with time. Heavy elements make up about 2 percent of the chemical content (by mass) of our solar system, the other 98 percent is hydrogen and helium. In some very old star systems, which formed before many heavy elements were produced, the heavy-element share may be less than 0.1 percent. Nevertheless, every star system studied has at least some amount of all the elements used by life.Moreover, when planetesimals—small, solid objects formed in the early solar system that may accumulate to become planets—condense within a forming star system, they are inevitably made from heavy elements because the more common hydrogen and helium remain gaseous.Thus, planetesimals everywhere should contain the elements needed for life, which means that objects built from planetesimals—planets, moons, asteroids, and comets-also contain these elements. The nature of solar-system formation explains why Earth contains all the elements needed for life, and it is why we expect these elements to be present on other worlds throughout our solar system, galaxy, and universe.

    Note that this argument does not change, even if we allow for life very different from life on Earth. Life on Earth is carbon based, and most biologists believe that life elsewhere is likely to be carbon based as well. However, we cannot absolutely rule out the possibility of life with another chemical basis, such as silicon or nitrogen. The set of elements (or their relative proportions) used by life based on some other element might be somewhat different from that used by carbon-based life on Earth. But the elements are still products of stars and would still be present in planetesimals everywhere. No matter what kinds of life we are looking for, we are likely to find the necessary elements on almost every planet, moon, asteroid, and comet in the universe.

    A somewhat stricter requirement is the presence of these elements in molecules that can be used as ready-made building blocks for life, just as early Earth probably had an organic soup of amino acids and other complex molecules. Earth's organic molecules likely came from some combination of three sources: chemical reactions in the atmosphere, chemical reactions near deep-sea vents in the oceans, and molecules carried to Earth by asteroids and comets. The first two sources can occur only on worlds with atmospheres or oceans, respectively. But the third source should have brought similar molecules to nearly all worlds in our solar system.

    Studies of meteorites and comets suggest that organic molecules are widespread among both asteroids and comets. Because each body in the solar system was repeatedly struck by asteroids and comets during the period known as the heavy bombardment (about 4 billion years ago), each body should have received at least some organic molecules. However, these molecules tend to be destroyed by solar radiation on surfaces unprotected by atmospheres. Moreover, while these molecules might stay intact beneath the surface (as they evidently do on asteroids and comets), they probably cannot react with each other unless some kind of liquid or gas is available to move them about. Thus, if we limit our search to worlds on which organic molecules are likely to be involved in chemical reactions, we can probably rule out any world that lacks both an atmosphere and a surface or subsurface liquid medium, such as water.

12.According to paragraph 6, why is life unlikely to be found on any planet that lacks both an atmosphere and a surface or subsurface liquid medium?

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【题目翻译】根据第6段,为什么在既缺乏大气层,又缺乏表面或地下液体介质的任何行星上都不可能发现生命? A:有机分子必须用液体表面层来防止太阳辐射。 B:缺乏这两种特征的行星可能太小了,不能被携带有机物质的许多小行星或彗星击中。 C:有机分子需要液体或气体环境使它们结合在一起,这样它们才能相互作用。 D:需要大气层来保护有机分子免受小行星和彗星的破坏。 【判断题型】题目问的是文章中的具体细节信息,故根据题目问法可以判断本题为事实信息题。 【关键词定位】Each body should have received at least some organic molecules. However, these molecules tend to be destroyed by solar radiation on surfaces unprotected by atmospheres. Moreover, while these molecules might stay intact beneath the surface (as they evidently do on asteroids and comets), they probably cannot react with each other unless some kind of liquid or gas is available to move them about。 【逻辑分析】根据定位句分析,每个个体至少应该接受一些有机分子。 然而,这些分子往往被不受大气保护的表面上的太阳辐射破坏。此外,尽管这些分子可能会在表面下保持完整(因为它们明显对小行星和彗星有影响),但除非某种液体或气体可用于移动它们,否则它们可能无法相互反应”,即气体和液体的环境,对于有机分子的合成是非常重要的。 【选项分析】 A选项的意思为:有机分子必须由液体层的表面保护其不受太阳射线的辐射; A选项虽然说法正确,但是,题目问的是“为什么在缺少大气层和液体介质的行星上不可能发现生命?”显然,答非所问,则A项不正确; B选项的意思为:不具备这两个特点的行星有可能因为太小以至于会被带有有机物质的陨石和彗星所击中; B选项,第六自然段并没有提到相关的观点,属于无中生有,则B项不正确; C选项的意思为:有机分子需要有一个液体或者气体环境,使得它们能够相互反应; C项正确。 D选项的意思为:对于保护有机分子不被陨石或者彗星所损坏来说大气层是非常重要的。 由“ these molecules tend to be destroyed by solar radiation on surfaces unprotected by atmospheres”可知,有机分子会收到太阳射线的损坏,并不是陨石和彗星。 D项也不正确。





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