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    • adj.太平洋的

    Because of the barrier of ice to the east, the Pacific Ocean to the west, and populated areas to the north, there may have been a greater impetus for people to move in a southerly direction.


    来源于:阅读OFFICIAL9 P1
  • 英汉双解
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    • adj. 太平洋的


      Our route follows the Pacific coast through densely populated neighbourhoods.



      But the seafaring peoples of the Pacific islands, the Polynesians and the Micronesians, were quite possibly the world’s greatest navigators.


      来源于:听力OFFICIAL14 L5

      Um, islanders from all over the Pacific learned to use the stars for navigation.


      来源于:听力OFFICIAL14 L5

      In addition to finding an increase of suitable browse, like huckleberry and vine maple, Arthur Einarsen, longtime game biologist in the Pacific Northwest, found quality of browse in the open areas to be substantially more nutritive.


      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL4 P1

      Two species of deer have been prevalent in the Puget Sound area of Washington State in the Pacific Northwest of the United States.


      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL4 P1

      The undisputed pre-Columbian presence in Oceania of the sweet potato, which is a New World domesticate, has sometimes been used to support Heyerdahl’s “American Indians in the Pacific” theories.


      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL5 P2

      Detailed studies of the winds and currents using computer simulations suggest that drifting canoes would have been a most unlikely means of colonizing the Pacific.


      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL5 P2

      Contrary to the arguments of some that much of the pacific was settled by Polynesians accidentally marooned after being lost and adrift, it seems reasonable that this feat was accomplished by deliberate colonization expeditions that set out fully stocked with food and domesticated plants and animals.


      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL5 P2

      The basic cultural requirements for the successful colonization of the Pacific islands include the appropriate boat-building, sailing, and navigation skills to get to the islands in the first place, domesticated plants and gardening skills suited to often marginal conditions, and a varied inventory of fishing implements and techniques.


      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL5 P2

      Contrary to these theorists, the overwhelming evidence of physical anthropology, linguistics, and archaeology shows that the Pacific islanders came from Southeast Asia and were skilled enough as navigators to sail against the prevailing winds and currents.


      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL5 P2

      Later Heyerdahl suggested that the Pacific was peopled by three migrations:by Native Americans from the Pacific Northwest of North America drifting to Hawaii, by Peruvians drifting to Easter Island, and by Melanesians.


      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL5 P2

      In 1947 Norwegian adventurer Thor Heyerdahl drifted on a balsa-log raft westward with the winds and currents across the Pacific from South America to prove his theory that Pacific islanders were Native Americans (also called American Indians).

      1947年,挪威探险家Thor Heyerdahl为了证明他的太平洋群岛居民是美国本土居民(也被称作美国印第安人)的理论,用一只带有标志的轻质木筏,借助风力和水流从南美洲漂流过了太平洋。

      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL5 P2

      They inferred that the Egyptians even crossed the Pacific to found the great civilizations of the New World (North and South America).


      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL5 P2

      For example, British anthropologists G. Elliot Smith and W. J. Perry assumed that only Egyptians would have been skilled enough to navigate and colonize the Pacific.

      比如说,英国人类学家G. Elliot Smith 和W. J. Perry认为只有埃及人才能熟练地航海和统治太平洋。

      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL5 P2

      Many older theories implicitly deprecated the navigational abilities and overall cultural creativity of the Pacific islanders.


      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL5 P2

      Pacific islanders are variously thought to have come from North America, South America, Egypt, Israel,and India, as well as Southeast Asia.


      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL5 P2

      Speculation on the origin of these Pacific islanders began as soon as outsiders encountered them, in the absence of solid linguistic, archaeological, and biological data,many fanciful and mutually exclusive theories were devised.


      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL5 P2

      Polynesia is the central Pacific area in the great triangle defined by Hawaii, Easter Island, and New Zealand.


      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL5 P2

      Melanesia, in the southwest Pacific, contains the large islands of New Guinea, the Solomons, Vanuatu, and New Caledonia.


      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL5 P2

      The greater Pacific region, traditionally called Oceania, consists of three cultural areas: Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia.


      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL5 P2

      Because of the barrier of ice to the east, the Pacific Ocean to the west, and populated areas to the north, there may have been a greater impetus for people to move in a southerly direction.


      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL9 P1

      A Zenith star was a really bright star that would pass directly overhead at a particular latitude, uh, at a particular distance from the equator, often at latitude associates with some, uh, particular Pacific island.


      来源于:听力OFFICIAL14 L5

      Um, islanders from all over the Pacific learned to use the stars for navigation.


      来源于:听力OFFICIAL14 L5

      Um, the key to the Pacific islanders’ success was probably their location near the equator.

      Um, the key to the Pacific islanders’ success was probably their location near the equator.

      来源于:听力OFFICIAL14 L5

      Long before the development of advanced navigational tools in Europe, Pacific islanders were traveling from New Zealand to Hawaii and back again, using nothing but the stars as their navigation instruments.


      来源于:听力OFFICIAL14 L5

      But the seafaring peoples of the Pacific islands, the Polynesians and the Micronesians, were quite possibly the world’s greatest navigators.

      But the seafaring peoples of the Pacific islands, the Polynesians and the Micronesians, were quite possibly the world’s greatest navigators.

      来源于:听力OFFICIAL14 L5

      Professor: Sure. The volcanoes in the Hawaii islands, in the Pacific Ocean are shield volcanoes.


      来源于:听力OFFICIAL24 L6

      So the position of The Pacific Plate 50 million years ago can be determined by moving it such that a 50-million-year-oil volcano in the hot-spot trail sits at the location of Hawaii today.


      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL27 P2

      For example, given the current position of the Pacific Plate, Hawaii is above the Pacific Ocean hot spot.


      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL27 P2

      Other islands, including Tahiti and Easter Islands in the pacific, Reunion and Mauritius in the India Ocean, and indeed most of the large islands in the world’s oceans, owe their existence to mantle plumes.


      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL27 P2

      A glance at a map of the Pacific Ocean reveals that there are many islands far out at sea that are actually volcanoes----many no longer active, some overgrown with coral----that originated from activity at points in the interior of the Pacific Plate that forms the Pacific seafloor.


      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL27 P2

      This then causes the warm water in the western Pacific to flow eastward, increasing sea-surface temperatures in the central and eastern Pacific.


      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL43 P3

      However, in other years the Southern Oscillation, for unknown reasons, swings in the opposite direction, dramatically changing the usual conditions described above, with pressure increasing in the western Pacific and decreasing in the eastern Pacific.


      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL43 P3

      The western Pacific develops a thick, warm layer of water while the eastern Pacific has the cold Humboldt Current enhanced by upwelling.


      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL43 P3

      During a typical year, the eastern Pacific has a higher pressure than the western Pacific does.


      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL43 P3

      He noted that a rise in atmospheric pressure in the eastern Pacific is usually accompanied by a fall in pressure in the western Pacific and vice versa.


      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL43 P3

      Over 60 years ago, Sir Gilbert Walker, a British scientist, discovered a connection between surface pressure readings at weather stations on the eastern and western sides of the Pacific.


      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL43 P3

      The processes that interact to produce an El Nifio involve conditions all across the Pacific, not just in the waters off South America.


      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL43 P3

      Not only do El Nifios affect the temperature of the equatorial Pacific, but the strongest of them impact global weather.


      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL43 P3

      The cold Humboldt Current of the Pacific Ocean flows toward the equator along the coasts of Ecuador and Peru in South America.


      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL43 P3

      Now, for many years archaeologists have speculated that agriculture also arose independently in another center, too - New Guinea, which is just north of Australia, in the South Pacific Ocean.

      考古学家多年来一直推测农业也独立出现在另一个中心,New Guinea(新几内亚)。它位于南太平洋,在澳大利亚北部。

      来源于:听力OFFICIAL44 L5

      A good illustration of this occurred after sea otters were eliminated from some Pacific kelp (seaweed) bed ecosystems: the kelp beds were practically obliterated too because in the absence of sea otter predation, sea urchin populations exploded and consumed most of the kelp and other macroalgae.


      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL46 P3

      Their diversity of coral genera is greatest in the warm waters of the Indian Ocean and the western Pacific.


      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL47 P3

      A long time after Darwin put forward this theory, some deep boreholes were drilled in the Pacific atolls in the 1950s.


      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL47 P3

      Some atolls are very large—Kwajelein in the Marshall Islands of the South Pacific is 120 kilometers long and as much as 24 kilometers across-but most are very much smaller, and rise only a few meters above the water.


      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL47 P3

      You're getting a chain of volcanic islands where the hot plume melts through the crust under the Pacific Ocean at one point after another with active volcanoes on the younger islands that are now just above the plume, and the other islands,

      You're getting a chain of volcanic islands where the hot plume melts through the crust under the Pacific Ocean at one point after another with active volcanoes on the younger islands that are now just above the plume, and the other islands,

      来源于:听力OFFICIAL48 L3

      Searching for the Northwest Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific in 1818, Sir John Ross had lowered his "deep-sea clam"—a sort of bivalved sediment scoop-into the water of Baffin Bay ( an inlet between the Atlantic and Arctic oceans), which the determined to be more than a thousand fathoms deep in some places.

      John Ross爵士在1818年探索从大西洋到太平洋的西北航道中,把他的测量工具deep-sea clam——一种双壳沉淀的勺子——深入到巴芬湾(大西洋和北冰洋的入口)里,深度超过了一千英寻。

      来源于:阅读OFFICIAL36 P2

      And the example from your reading was the forest ecosystem along the Pacific coast of North America.


      来源于:听力OFFICIAL52 L3
    • n. 太平洋

    • 固定搭配
      • pacific ocean


      • Pacific rim




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