inconspicous = in(不) + con(共同) + spic(看见) + ous(形容词) = 大家都不能一眼看见的→不显眼的
indifference = in(不) + dif(分开) + fer(带来) + ence(性质) = 不分开对待→冷漠
eloquent = e(向外) + loqu(说话) + ent(…的) = 在外面说话→雄辩的
elucidate = e(向外) + lucid(光) + ate(使) = 使外面变得光亮→阐明
invitably = in(不) + vit(分开) + able(能…的) + ly(表副词) = 不能够分开的→不可避免地
vitamin = vita(分开) + min(小) = 生命要素→维生素
admirable = ad(一再) + mir(惊奇) + able(形容词) = 一直感到惊奇→令人钦佩的
agreeable = a(加强) + gree(感激) + able(形容词) = 令人愉快的
不可分开的→不可避免的, 必然的
In one sense, this pattern seems inevitable growing numbers of people pressed available resources on the land, even when farmwork was combined with a bit of manufacturing, so people crowded into cities seeking work or other resources.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL51 P3adj. 必然(发生)的
He was affable and amusing, the inevitable mascot of the team.
Katie Dartmouth's death was inevitable the moment I took her.
来自《反击 第1季第1集》
The sheer dimensions of the surfaces involved, plus the physical properties of the plaster, meant it was inevitable that Renaissance artists would rely on assistants, apprentices they were called, to help create their masterpieces.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL35 L5adj. 不可避免的
They lament the inevitable changes that mainstream tourism has brought with it.
All-out war now seems inevitable.
It is inevitable that other trials will follow.
In one sense, this pattern seems inevitable growing numbers of people pressed available resources on the land, even when farmwork was combined with a bit of manufacturing, so people crowded into cities seeking work or other resources.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL51 P3Not that a positive outcome is inevitable by any means, but well, let's take a look at one of these creative ideas involving a gas - helium-3.
Not that a positive outcome is inevitable by any means, but well, let's take a look at one of these creative ideas involving a gas - helium-3.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL36 L2The reaction of farmers to the inevitable depletion of the Ogallala varies.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL3 P2以上图片仅供学习交流使用,版权归原作者所有,如有侵权,请与我方联系