It will be so large that it will occupy the whole space that used to be the Earth's orbit and so brilliant that it would be able to be seen with the naked eye thousands of light-years away.
It will be so large that it will occupy the whole space that used to be the Earth's orbit and so brilliant that it would be able to be seen with the naked eye thousands of light-years away.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL50 P3adj. 不加掩饰的;赤裸裸的;明显的
adj. 光着的;赤裸的;暴露的
adj. 剥夺的;缺乏的
adj. 无叶的【植】
adj. 无效的;未经证实的;不确定的【律】
adj. 无毛的;无羽的;无鳞的【动】
adj. 无防护的;无保护的;无护罩的
adj. 无(花)被的【植】
adj. 未获准的;不受权威(或财政)支持的【律】
adj. 裸的
adj. 赤身裸体的;裸露的
adj. (裸子植物的种子)裸的,无果皮的【植】