opaqu = op(对立) + aqu(水) = 不像水一样→不透明的
opponent = op(对立) + pon(放置) + ent(…的) = 反着放→对立的
disposable = dis(不,非) + pos(放) + able(能…的) = 不可以存放的→一次性的
disposal = dis(分开) + pos(放) + al(表名词) = 分开放→处置
accomplied = ac(加强) + com(全部) + pli(满) + ed(形容词) = 全部弄满的→技艺高超的,熟练的
accredited = ac(一再) + cred(相信) + it(...的) + ed(形容词) = 一再相信的→可信任的
Famine (as opposed to malnutrition) became a thing of the past.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL51 P3adj. 相反的
The principles of capitalism and socialism are diametrically opposed (= completely opposite ).
She was adamantly opposed to her husband travelling to Brussels.
What, as opposed to putting him in a tiara?
来自《家有正太 第1季第1集》
Famine (as opposed to malnutrition) became a thing of the past.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL51 P3So you could implement a recovery plan that leave your customers delighted as opposed to merely satisfied?
来源于:听力OFFICIAL42 L6The concept of the individual artist, especially the concept of the artist as an artistic genius struggling alone with a vision as opposed to...say...a mere artisan...well, the idea of the artist as a lone genius didn't develop until later.
The concept of the individual artist, especially the concept of the artist as an artistic genius struggling alone with a vision as opposed to...say...a mere artisan...well, the idea of the artist as a lone genius didn't develop until later.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL41 L5The arrangement of the biological mass ("biomass") of the vegetation into layered forms is termed its “structure” (as opposed to its “composition”, which refers to the species of organisms forming the community).
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL40 P2So one important thing was that the rooms were arranged around a chimney in the center of the house, which could provide heat for the whole house through flues, uh, small air passageways into each room, as opposed to having a fireplace in every room, which would require more cleaning and make the air inside the house dirtier.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL32 L6And he was a Romantic, through and through, meaning that he explained objects and phenomena in terms of the spiritual, emotional impact they had, as opposed to explaining them in terms of their scientific nature.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL27 L6We need therefore to know how much the climate can vary of its own accord in order to interpret with confidence the extent to which recent changes are natural as opposed to being the result of human activities.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL10 P2There appear to be many unexplored matters about the motivation to reflect – for example, the value of externally motivated reflection as opposed to that of teachers who might reflect by habit.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL9 P2adj. 反对的;不赞成的
We are strongly opposed to the presence of America in this region.