Furthermore, as the archaeological record shows, the state of health of agriculturalists was worse than that of their contemporary hunter-gatherers.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL21 P2n. 情形,情况,状况;状态
You're not in a fit state to drive.
The venom puts the subject in a dissociative state.
Furthermore, as the archaeological record shows, the state of health of agriculturalists was worse than that of their contemporary hunter-gatherers.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL21 P2Well, it's being aware of what one knows or feels, uh, um… having an awareness of one's state of mind.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL30 L2n. (美国等国家的)州
They grow in a rain forest, in a mountain range…range in the north part of New South Wales which is uh… a state in Australia.
Before the railroad reached Tennessee, the state produced about 25,000 bushels (or 640 tons) of wheat, which sold for less than 50 cents a bushel.
在铁路通道田纳西州之前,这个州生产大约两万五千蒲式耳(相当于640吨)小麦,这些小麦的售价低于每蒲式耳50 分。
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL33 P2Sometime after midnight on February 8,1969, a large, bright meteor entered Earth's atmosphere and broke into thousands of pieces, plummeted to the ground, and scattered over an area 50 miles long and 10 miles wide in the state of Chihuahua in Mexico.
Sometime after midnight on February 8,1969, a large, bright meteor entered Earth's atmosphere and broke into thousands of pieces, plummeted to the ground, and scattered over an area 50 miles long and 10 miles wide in the state of Chihuahua in Mexico.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL22 P3Furthermore, as the archaeological record shows, the state of health of agriculturalists was worse than that of their contemporary hunter-gatherers.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL21 P2Now, James, you said you had been to the State of Maine, right?
来源于:听力OFFICIAL20 L6Now what comes to mind when you think of the state of Florida?
来源于:听力OFFICIAL11 L5This would have created a barrier of ice extending from the Alaska Peninsula, through the Gulf of Alaska and southward along the Northwest Coast of north America to what is today the state of Washington.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL9 P1And as you can imagine, as the populations of these states began to grow, it became clear that a system to distribute, uh, to make sure each state got its fair share of water…some kind of system had to be created.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL33 L3In time, this organization became a state, and knowledge of its functioning was exportable, as were pottery, tropical bird feathers, specialized stone materials, and other local commodities.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL41 P3n. 国,国家
The older predynastic (pre-3100 B.C.) centers of power, This and Hierakonpolis, were too remote from the vast expanse of the delta, which had been incorporated into the unified state.
Access to, and control of, trade routes between Egypt and the Near East seems to have been a preoccupation of Egypt's rulers during the period of state formation.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL51 P1They designed buildings based on the demands of the public, not so much their own artistic vision, and created a residential community in the state of New York that became known as Levittown.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL36 L5The Athenian philosopher Socrates (470-399 B.C.) was the first person in Greece to propose a morality based on individual conscience rather than the demands of the state, and for this he was accused of not believing in the city’s gods and so corrupting the youth, and he was condemned to death.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL43 P1The change from redistribution to formal trade—often based on regulated commerce that perhaps involved fixed prices and even currency—was closely tied to growing political and social complexity and hence to the development of the state in the ancient world.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL41 P3They were reasonably well governed, without notable corruption or grandiose state projects, although in all of them the government gave some aid to railways, and in Sweden the state built the main lines.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL18 P1With everything else it should be a pretty good indicator of the climate in this part of the state.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL2 L1vt. 陈述,说明
He stated his views to me.
I think we can accurately state that the driving force in his art was getting the science right.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL51 L5n. 政府
They wish to limit the power of the State.
vt. 规定;公布
This is not one of their stated aims.
n. 正式礼仪,隆重仪式
adj. 国家的;政府的