reliance = re(再) + li(捆绑,联合) + ance(表名词) = 自恃
irrevocable = ir(不) + re(再) + voc(叫喊) + able(能…的) = 不可以再叫喊的→不可取消的
coverage = cover(盖) + age(表名词) = 对事情的覆盖→范围
discover = dis(不,非) + cover(盖) = 把盖揭开→发现
He found that the amount of pollen recovered in these sediments is so low that the Beringian landscape during the peak of the last glaciation was more likely to have been what he termed a "polar desert," with little or only sparse vegetation, in no way was it possible that this region could have supported large herds of mammals and thus, human hunters.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL45 P1vi. 好转;扭转;恢复
The stockmarket index fell by 80% before it began to recover.
Hey. So you're recovering from a moderate case of hypothermia.
来自《灵书妙探 第3季第17集》
Historian Frederic Lane observes that after the loss of ships in battle in the late sixteenth century, the shipbuilding industry no longer had the capacity to recover that it had displayed at the start of the century.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL25 P2And there's another technique that's been experimented with to try to help coral reefs recover from bleaching.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL27 L2vt. 恢复
She never recovered consciousness.
Once the hare population has declined, it takes two to three year for the quantity of twigs to recover.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL27 P3In fact, it can become good carbon if we endeavor as a society, as humanity, to allow forests to recover this carbon, if we don't, say, pave over all the surfaces to prevent things from growing.
In fact, it can become good carbon if we endeavor as a society, as humanity, to allow forests to recover this carbon, if we don't, say, pave over all the surfaces to prevent things from growing.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL40 L5Translocation clearly has a role in the recovery of species that have substantially declined and is the most likely method by which many sedentary species can recover all or part of their former range.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL37 P2vt. 提取;重新利用
Of course, there is far more oil underground than can be recovered.
Thanks to extremely fine-grained excavation and extensive use of flotation methods (through which seeds are recovered from soil samples), we know a great deal about the foraging practices of the inhabitants of Abu Hureyra in Syria's Euphrates valley.
Thanks to extremely fine-grained excavation and extensive use of flotation methods (through which seeds are recovered from soil samples), we know a great deal about the foraging practices of the inhabitants of Abu Hureyra in Syria's Euphrates valley.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL20 P2He found that the amount of pollen recovered in these sediments is so low that the Beringian landscape during the peak of the last glaciation was more likely to have been what he termed a "polar desert," with little or only sparse vegetation, in no way was it possible that this region could have supported large herds of mammals and thus, human hunters.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL45 P1vt. (尤指在爆炸或自然灾害后)找到
Rescue teams recovered more bodies from the rubble.
This iridium anomaly offers strong support for the Alvarez hypothesis even though no asteroid itself has ever been recovered.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL15 P2Altogether, roughly two tons of meteorite fragments were recovered, all of which bear the name Allende for the location of the first discovery.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL22 P3A major potato blight (disease) in 1846-1847 led to the deaths of at least one million persons in Ireland and the emigration of another million, and Ireland never recovered the population levels the potato had sustained to that point.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL51 P3vi. 康复;痊愈
It was weeks before he fully recovered.
He's recovering from a knee injury.
vi. 挽回败局【体】
He recovered from a 4-2 deficit to reach the quarter-finals.
vi. (从挫折、震惊等中)恢复
They took a long time to recover from the death of their son.
vt. 找回;重新找到;收回
A handgun was recovered from the stolen car.
vt. 挽回;追回
Legal action is being taken to try to recover the money.
vt. (通过判决)获得,取得【律】
The firm targeted people who had suffered injury, claiming it could help recover damages.
vi. 弓步还原【击剑】
vi. 胜诉【律】
vi. 还原成预备姿势
vt. 重新获得;重返