flourish = flour(花) + ish(造成…) = 花一样开放→繁荣
demolish = de(去掉) + mol(堆) + ish(造成…) = 把堆起来的东西毁掉→毁坏
embellish = em(进入) + bell(美好) + ish(造成…) = 进入美好→装饰
sustaining = sus(下,底) + tain(拿住) + ing(形容词) = 自立的
abideing = abide(停留) + ing(形容词) = 持久的
So basically, what you are saying is while other Mayan cities were collapsing or had already collapsed, Lamanai was one of those places that was flourishing?
来源于:听力OFFICIAL52 L4adj. 繁荣的;繁茂的;盛行的
Unfair competition had knocked up the once flourishing business.
So basically, what you are saying is while other Mayan cities were collapsing or had already collapsed, Lamanai was one of those places that was flourishing?
来源于:听力OFFICIAL52 L6v. 茂盛(flourish的ing形式)
Their appearance and subsequent flourishing in Utah's Great Salt Lake valley within the last 40 years appears to be from such an introduction.
Their appearance and subsequent flourishing in Utah's Great Salt Lake valley within the last 40 years appears to be from such an introduction.
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