


OFFICIAL50 In paragraph 1, why does the author point out that stars are billions of years old?

Star Death
Until the early- to mid-twentieth century, scientists believed that stars generate energy by shrinking. As stars contracted, it was thought, they would get hotter and hotter, giving off light in the process. This could not be the primary way that stars shine, however. If it were, they would scarcely last a million years, rather than the billions of years in age that we know they are. We now know that stars are fueled by nuclear fusion. Each time fusion takes place, energy is released as a by-product. This energy, expelled into space, is what we see as starlight. The fusion process begins when two hydrogen nuclei smash together to form a particle called the deuteron (a combination of a positive proton and a neutral neutron). Deuterons readily combine with additional protons to form helium. Helium, in turn, can fuse together to form heavier elements, such as carbon. In a typical star, merger after merger takes place until significant quantities of heavy elements are built up.

We must distinguish, at this point, between two different stellar types: Population I and Population ll, the latter being much older than the former. These groups can also be distinguished by their locations. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is shaped like a flat disk surrounding a central bulge. Whereas Population I stars are found mainly in the galactic disk, Population II stars mostly reside in the central bulge of the galaxy and in the halo surrounding this bulge.

Population II stars date to the early stages of the universe. Formed when the cosmos was filled with hydrogen and helium gases, they initially contained virtually no heavy elements. They shine until their fusible material is exhausted. When Population II stars die, their material is spread out into space. Some of this dust is eventually incorporated into newly formed Population I stars. Though Population I stars consist mostly of hydrogen and helium gas, they also contain heavy elements (heavier than helium), which comprise about 1 or 2 percent of their mass. These heavier materials are fused from the lighter elements that the stars have collected. Thus, Population I stars contain material that once belonged to stars from previous generations. The Sun is a good example of a Population I star.

What will happen when the Sun dies? In several billion years, our mother star will burn much brighter. It will expend more and more of its nuclear fuel, until little is left of its original hydrogen. Then, at some point in the far future, all nuclear reactions in the Sun’s center will cease.

Once the Sun passes into its "postnuclear" phase, it will separate effectively into two different regions: an inner zone and an outer zone. While no more hydrogen fuel will remain in the inner zone, there will be a small amount left in the outer zone. Rapidly, changes will begin to take place that will serve to tear the Sun apart. The inner zone, its nuclear fires no longer burning, will begin to collapse under the influence of its own weight and will contract into a tiny hot core, dense and dim. An opposite fate will await the outer region, a loosely held-together ball of gas. A shock wave caused by the inner zone's contraction will send ripples through the dying star, pushing the stellar exterior's material farther and farther outward. The outer envelope will then grow rapidly, increasing, in a short interval, hundreds of times in size. As it expands, it will cool down by thousands of degrees. Eventually, the Sun will become a red giant star, cool and bright. It will be so large that it will occupy the whole space that used to be the Earth's orbit and so brilliant that it would be able to be seen with the naked eye thousands of light-years away. It will exist that way for millions of years, gradually releasing the material of its outer envelope into space. Finally, nothing will be left of the gaseous exterior of the Sun; all that will remain will be the hot, white core. The Sun will have become a white dwarf star. The core will shrink, giving off the last of its energy, and the Sun will finally die.

3.In paragraph 1, why does the author point out that stars are billions of years old?

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【题目翻译】:在第1段中,为什么作者指出恒星数十亿年? A:确定星光是由正在进行的过程产生的,而不是由一次性事件产生的 B:暗示明星的收缩速度比以前认为的要慢得多 C:认为萎缩不是恒星产生能量的主要方式 D:认为随着大量元素的积累,恒星中的融合会减慢 【判定题型】:根据题干问法“why …… point out” ,题目询问“stars are billions of years old”的修辞目的,可以判断本题为修辞目的题。 【关键词定位】:根据关键词paragraph 1,定位到文中第4句,原句为“If it were, they would scarcely last a million years, rather than the billions of years in age that we know they are.”这句话的意思是“假如是这样的话,它们几乎不可能存在一百万年,而据我们所知,它们一直存在了几十亿年。” 【引用内容分析】:第一段第4句 “If it were”是一个虚拟语气——“假如是这样的话”。假如怎样呢?我们需要往前看,第1、2句说科学家们一直都相信恒星是通过收缩产生能量的,在这个过程中它们会发光。但是第3句话说这可能不是恒星发光的主要方式。所以虚拟语气假设的内容就是,假设恒星是通过收缩产生能量来发光的话,它们就不可能存在一百万年。而事实上,它们存在了几十亿年,所以我们可以得出结论:收缩就更加不可能是恒星发光的方式了。 【选项分析】: C选项:收缩就更加不可能是恒星发光的方式了。由此,对应C选项:提到恒星存在几十亿年的目的是为了说明收缩不可能是恒星发光的主要方式,正确。 A选项:说明恒星发光是由持续性的过程产生的,不是一次性的事件造成的。错误,因为文中没有提及该信息。 B选项:说明恒星收缩的速度比之前人们认为的要慢。可是,文中并未提及恒星收缩的速度相关的信息,故排除。 D选项:随着大量重物质的产生,恒星内部核聚变的速度减慢。核聚变的理论是在第一段的后半部分才提到的,前半部分都是在论述恒星收缩发光的理论。所以D选项与题干毫无关系,故排除。





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